Our Grout Cleaning Crew Revamped This Beautiful Kitchen Floor in Waltham
October 23, 2024
Most homeowners are familiar with the frustration of cleaning dirty grout. Once the grime makes its way to the grout pores, regular cleaners struggle to get it out, and the entire surface looks duller as a result. A couple in Waltham was used to that feeling, but that still didn't prepare them for the cycle of unsuccessful cleaning attempts on their kitchen floor. They did what they could to preserve the floor's elegant design but ultimately agreed that the best option was trusting a professional grout cleaning service in Waltham.
Before finding Sir Grout of Greater Boston online, the couple had managed to keep the tiles stain-free for the most part. Their main concern was the discoloration on the grout, so seeing examples of our grout restoration process on the picture gallery was a huge relief. They read through our website to learn more about our services before giving us a call to schedule an appointment. They were eager to hear our crew's informed opinion on the kitchen floor.
On the scheduled date, our specialists arrived at the couple's house early in the morning for an in-home evaluation, as always wearing Sir Grout's logo on their uniforms. After being led to the kitchen area, they inspected the floor, checking the grout for damage and testing their cleaner on some of the stains. On top of the embedded dirt on the grout, the ceramic tiles also had faint marks left by old stains and soap residue.
This is a common side effect of regular cleaners: they leave a foamy residue that alters the tiles' appearance in time, on top of keeping traces of dirt on the grout pores. Our techs explained all this to the clients and showed them how our cleaner manages to remove that embedded dirt. At the end of the visit, the clients gladly took the chance to schedule a new appointment for the restoration.
Following their request, our experts returned the next day to work on the floor. They started by soaking the entire surface with pH-neutral cleaner to then work through each of the stains. They removed all the grime and food residue with the help of a high-speed scrubbed and immediately got ready to seal the grout.
For this part, our specialists used ColorSeal, an acrylic-based sealant that's tailored to withstand the effects of wear and tear on high-traffic surfaces. It protects the grout against water, grease, grime, mold, and other external elements, and it's available in multiple colors to make your floors look their best, no matter what style you're going for. The homeowners felt that white grout brought out the floor's natural elegance, and our techs recolored the lines accordingly.
The result looked incredible, especially after our techs were done buffing the floor. All the tiles were spotless, and the couple was delighted with the grout's clean look, stating that it suited their kitchen perfectly. They thanked our team for their service and promised to recommend Sir Grout of Greater Boston to their friends and relatives in Waltham.
Our techs had some additional tips to share at the end of the appointment. They started by recommending pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner to ensure that kitchen surfaces always got the best care. Our formula rules out the risks of traditional cleaners while providing much better results. In other words, there are no harsh ingredients deteriorating the surface while you get maximum cleaning power to remove the dirt more thoroughly, including the grime that often gets stuck between the tiles.
PH-neutral cleaners also help preserve a safer environment indoors because they don't release toxic fumes into the air. With that said, there are other ways to keep a hygienic space where people can feel at ease. Our specialists recommended checking for moisture buildup around the seams and to remove any residue with a towel or a terry cloth. They also reminded the clients to open the windows and doors from time to time to keep the kitchen well ventilated throughout the day.
If you follow all these tips and still have trouble with the maintenance of your kitchen surfaces, contact Sir Grout of Greater Boston today! Our team will be happy to assist you with top-tier restoration services and all the professionalism you'd expect from an industry leader. Just call (781) 899-0388 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.